A lot of women want presents or money to be spent on them to be shown that they are loved. All I expect is a kiss when he walks through the door, thank you's, and for him to play with his son. These things show more love than any gift or date ever could, and the longer I am married to my husband the more I realize this. Money, material things, they are all just ways of satisfying an appetite for contentment in your life, or a way to feel secure. My husband and my son are literally all I need, besides a home of course, to feel like my life is where and how it should be going.
Too many people these days fantasize about that big house with nice cars and pleanty of cash flow. Sure that'd be nice, but what do you think get's you to that point in your life. People aren't happy with thinking when they first get married or are on their own that money will be tight. They aren't happy with thinking that they won't always get what they want. Well I am here to say, I have what I want and that is my family. If a lot of cash is found in our bank account years down the road that will be a product of a responsible and smart marriage. Money can always be earned, but the little things can always be passed up very easily. So take heart, and appreciate every day!
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