Monday, February 8, 2010

Money, life, and where it all goes...

We turned in our taxes and it looks as though we are going to get A LOT more back then we thought, that is if the IRS doesn't think otherwise ;). If this is the case then we will pay off all of our debt besides Trevors car payment, but I will be trading his car in for an SUV when I get back home any way. It will be nice to not have any debt when he deploys, that way I can work on saving money and really creating a good steady flow of cash into the bank account. It's kind of hard for me to budget right now because our paychecks change each week, so I just know what comes out and when and I go from there. Sure, we live paycheck to paycheck (for now), but at least we aren't using our credit cards like we could be! I am just ready to really start saving money and putting it away for our life down the road. I will give myself an allowance each week of what I can spend on certain things including groceries, and all the extras! To be successful at saving money you have to sacrafice buying for yourself. You know, I went to Target today and found a dress for 25.00 that I really loved and it looked great, I went to pay and had left my card at home. Maybe it was a sign or something, but that 25 dollars could definitely go somewhere else where it's actually needed. If I still want the dress it's always online ;). So please, if you have any secrets to how your family saves money and puts it away, please share!


  1. We started a big piggy bank w/ Noah, put our change in whenever we have it, and will spend it on something fun when it's full--kind of like my parents' big piggy bank.
    All the money saving blogs are helpful. I check and almost daily, get the Sunday paper for coupons (yes, I'm on the bandwagon again) and try to stay on budget! We also ALWAYS go to places like Once upon a child to shop for the kids first, before going to a full-price store. Cooking in, not eating out, helps. Drink water, nothing else, saves money. We were spending around $16 a month on paper towels, I don't buy them anymore--just use cloth. The small things really add up! Oh and cutting your husband and son's hair yourself too... learn as you go!

  2. Good tips on the other comment! We only drink filtered tap water, I rarely buy anything else because 1. its expensive and 2. its probably bad for you. The no paper towel thing too, I know a couple people who do that. I always collect the sale ads for grocery stores each week and try to meal plan around whats on sale, if they're having a good sale on something we use a lot of I try and find a coupon for it online or in those coupon books and buy extras. We also have Navy Fed automatically take 50 dollars out bi-monthy and transfer it into savings. So its like we never see or had the money in the first place. Its not much but its easy saving. I've been buying the huge jugs of vinegar at Costco for 3 bucks and making cleaners out of it, works great and its so cheap! There are tons of ways to make cleaners at home to clean the house without the chemicals and all the costs.
