Monday, February 8, 2010

Money, life, and where it all goes...

We turned in our taxes and it looks as though we are going to get A LOT more back then we thought, that is if the IRS doesn't think otherwise ;). If this is the case then we will pay off all of our debt besides Trevors car payment, but I will be trading his car in for an SUV when I get back home any way. It will be nice to not have any debt when he deploys, that way I can work on saving money and really creating a good steady flow of cash into the bank account. It's kind of hard for me to budget right now because our paychecks change each week, so I just know what comes out and when and I go from there. Sure, we live paycheck to paycheck (for now), but at least we aren't using our credit cards like we could be! I am just ready to really start saving money and putting it away for our life down the road. I will give myself an allowance each week of what I can spend on certain things including groceries, and all the extras! To be successful at saving money you have to sacrafice buying for yourself. You know, I went to Target today and found a dress for 25.00 that I really loved and it looked great, I went to pay and had left my card at home. Maybe it was a sign or something, but that 25 dollars could definitely go somewhere else where it's actually needed. If I still want the dress it's always online ;). So please, if you have any secrets to how your family saves money and puts it away, please share!